Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas spirit, faith & courage!

Gooooood evening friends! Kayden is doing so great today, and really proving to the doctors that he is ready for Monday. We don't talk about Monday in front of Kayd though, so he doesn't get any funny ideas :) We don't want to jinx anything! He has done phenomenal with all of his lowered vent settings and is just about at his goal settings. He is tolerating all of his sedation medicine, and is producing proper urine output and good stools (I know, I know, TMI but it's all part of what they look for). He hasn't had an "episode" in 3 days,  and he also is starting to look a bit more chubby! 

I'm finally feeling a bit in the Christmas spirit. Our Christmas cards are in.. And I put out some balsam & cedar candles, and my house smells like that warm Christmas feeling. I might have some warm egg nog in the morning instead of coffee. Ok, ok let's be serious... I can't make it without coffee, but maybe I'll have both :) 

So, I'd like to take a second to really, truly and thoroughly thank all of you reading this and rallying around us. We have amazing friends and family, and are so blessed to have you. For those who we don't really know, but are following Kayden's progress and/or my crazy blog - thank you for sending those thoughts and prayers our way. It's been a bit hectic lately, and if you've texted or emailed me without response, please know it's not intentional - and most likely I forgot to reply :/ My brain isn't fully functional lately, but please know I've read and loved each note sent my way <3

Busy days ahead, but we are headed into them with faith & courage.... 
With all our love
Melissa & Kayden

1 comment:

  1. Truly having Faith and believing with all your heart that God is the best Physician--He has great plans for Kayden. Your in my prayers
    Pam Ricci
