Monday, December 3, 2012

Better days...

If you have been following, you know that they anticipated today for extubation (surgery to take out the breathing tube). Well, he just isn't ready yet - so that hasn't happened. I was ok with it yesterday but today I'm feeling mad. I wasn't even sure if I was going to post tonight. BUT if I'm going to be true to what this blog is supposed to be about, how honest would I be if I portrayed everyday to be cheerful? It's a struggle, and the most difficult time of my life. So as there is ups and downs in real life - there is with our story too :/ I'm not mad at the doctors or nurses, and definetly not Kayden, or even any of our very awesome friends and family. I know I'm just having a bad day, and I realize where this is steming from, but I feel mad at every little stupid insignificant thing, such as the lady who is staying next to me in our little quad living area. She has been occupying the laundry for 2 days straight. I'm almost positive she is doing her entire family's laundry daily. I'm mad that I was 2 hours late pumping - and even madder that I have to pump instead of being able to nurse. I'm mad that I haven't been able to sleep next my husband in 2 weeks, or change my baby's diaper. I'm mad I don't have an ornament for Kayden on the Christmas tree. Isn't this all so stupid!? I even know it is as I'm writing it...
So as a woman... what have I done to help my mood!? Well, I walked my little butt down the street and bought myself a large chocolate croissant :) I'm even going to heat it up in the microwave!

Tomorrow, I promise, will be a better day, and I'll have a better blog post. Hope you all don't get discouraged with my post, keep following! I know there are better, more wonderful days ahead to be had and shared with you <3

Much love, 
Melis & Kayd


  1. I had myself many of those chocolate croissants...hang in there, brighter days to come <3

  2. Hi Melissa...sorry about your bad are some quotes...maybe I can get a small crack of a smile from you?
    Love you...Shell.

    *When life gives you lemons, order a gin and tonic.
    *Always take life with a grain of salt (plus a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila).
    *Like a teabag, you cannot tell how strong a person is until you put him/her in hot water.
    *Ten percent of life is what happens to you; 90 percent is what you do with it.

  3. Love these Shell :) Makes me what to go to the bar!! Not sure Kayden would appreciate that in his milk though :) haha ooooorr maybe he would!!

  4. I love those chocolate crossiants I got one of them while giana was there! listen honey i know everything feels like it is all crashing down on u and I promise u it will get better it may not feel that way to u now but we are all here for u and I know kayden can kick this in the **ass!! And all the little things that have u upset I promise and I for u to help u have them all fall love u all very much <3 auntie Jen
