Friday, December 7, 2012

Short but sweet

Today was simple... and this will be short & sweet :)
I woke up to these little eyeballs...
He had a very restful and uneventful night :)

I picked up Max from school - he had a lovely morning there. We went home to see what kind of mischief our Elf, Agent Pants got into...
He baked some donuts :)

Then I worked tonight...and while I was there I got my green extension for Kayden! 
Love it! 

Not too much new info today, I think they are trying to give us a break :) And I'm grateful, 'cause I'm beat!! So until tomorrow friends......

Much love, 
Melissa & Kayden

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the green Melissa!! I have been trying to get on here and read these blogs (finally getting to it) but have asked Anjuli how you Kayden adn all of you are doing when I get to speak with her!! <3
