Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Slow but steady... Wins the race

Hi! Nothing too much to share about Kayden's condition. It's still the same, just hanging out watching T.V. together... He's so awesome, he always let's me pick what we watch :)
I figured I'd share a picture of what we have to wear while in his room. Every time you enter you have to mask and gown up, and if you leave (even for a quick bathroom break), you have to take it off, trash them, and suit back up again to enter. Worst part... drinking coffee and wearing the mask! Best part... ripping the gown off like the hulk would! Haha it's the little things. 
Some highlights of my day today:
*I decided to suck it up this morning and travel to the cafeteria for my coffee, assuming it would be nasty & burnt, to find perfectly brewed Starbucks coffee...for $1.75 :) 
*I got to spend a large chunk of my day in Kayd's room
*Ben got to spend some alone time with Kayden tonight. He has been taking care of Max and hasn't 
gotten any good quality time with Kayden for, like, five days. I was really happy for that opportunity.
* My mom brought me and Kayden a little gift today. Kayden got a little sea turtle snugly buddy, 
which is so perfect because..1) Turtles are slow but steady, like Kayden's fight with RSV, and 2)
 they are fragile and teeny tiny at birth, but as they grow they have tough shells and live to be 100 yrs old (says Nemo anyways!) I got a guardian angel necklace...which speaks for itself. 

Fingers crossed for tomorrow X

<3 Melis & Kayd 

1 comment:

  1. You are one strong lady Mrs. Palumbo! Thanks for sharing this for all of us to be aware on how serious it is...I have never heard of this as my daughter came 6 weeks early and was in the hosp for 15 days. Every post of yours has brought tears to my eyes and I am praying for a fast recovery for lil Kayden! Hugs to your family!
