Thursday, November 29, 2012

If, like me, you want to do ANYTHING to help...

Hi Blog Readers!

This is Stacey, Melissa's sister.  I made this blog, which means I get free rein to edit/post if I feel so compelled ;)  And this is exactly what bring me here.  Like I suspect most of you do too, I feel compelled to help Melissa and her family every time I see her posts.  Kayden's battle with RSV is weighing heavy on their little family and they have been nothing but positive, hopeful and appreciative of each other.  It's been a beautiful thing to watch, especially this time of year when we all hope to see such spirit in those around us.

So here's what Melissa and Ben are so thankful to have:

-Amazing friends and family that are taking turns watching Max so that he can continue to be one of the sweetest and happiest little boys to walk this earth.

-Great nurses and doctors doing everything they can to help care for Kayden and keep him as comfortable and healthy as possible.

-Flexible jobs that are allowing Ben to work hard for his family and Melissa to take the time off to be with her family.

And here's what Melissa and Ben need (aka the part where you can help):

-Time.  Melissa and Ben need time to spend with Kayden and Max without feeling obligated to be somewhere else.  Kayden needs time with his parents, to hear their voices and feel the presence so that he can feel encouraged to stay strong.  The biggest way that you can help give Melissa and Ben time is through money.  I know it never feels like the best way to help, but the only thing holding them back from spending time with Kayd is their financial burdens.  The lighter this burden, the more time they can devote to helping their son heal and the less stress they will be under when they finally get that sweet boy home.

-Prayers.  There is no limit on these and duplicates are welcome!  Whether you say a silent prayer on your own or send prayers for Melissa and Ben to read through comments, the Palumbo/Arena clans appreciate it and believe that you are helping our newest member heal quickly.  (I personally like to take nice deep breaths and send them his way!  And while I'm at it, I remind myself how lucky I am to be recovering from the same icky cold that infected Kayden, and only needed a few couch days, four boxes of tissues and a little Robitussin.)

-Encouragement.  Nobody has commented on the blog yet, so I'm guessing you all don't know you can, since I've seen what you can do on Facebook!  So comment people!  Melissa loves to check this and see positive words from everyone.  It warms all our hearts to know that people are reading this, taking extra precautions with their own children and are keeping Kayden and his parents in their thoughts.

Prayers and encouragement need no instructions, but if you feel compelled to support Melissa and Ben in any financial way, here's some info:

Ben and Melissa have accounts at:
First New England Credit Union
62 Hyde Avenue, Vernon CT 06066

Anyone close to Melissa and Ben (parents, siblings and siblings-in-law) can make sure they get money if you don't want to go through the bank.

And please, no matter what, keep reading and keep praying!



  1. Laura and John KennedyNovember 29, 2012 at 2:17 PM

    I'm going to be the first comment!

    We spent some time last night with Kayden, Melissa & Ben --- he's a little trooper --- and is making slow and steady progress --- we keep our fingers crossed that as the days go by --- he will get stronger! Very humbling to be in the pediatric intensive care --- a whole other world where little people are so very sick.

    The "angels" up above will protect and help Kayden through this --- and before you know it --- he'll be running around with Maxon!


  2. We are friends with Steve and Jen Palumbo and we have been thinking about you and praying for your family and little Kayden. You have a wonderful huge support system of family and friends. We had a son in the same hospital we RSV 13 years ago and he is big healthy teenager today! It sounds like your little man is making progress . We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

  3. Sending my love and prayers to Kayden and your family!

  4. You guys are always on my mind...sending tons of prayers for Kayden to may be "slow", but it is "steady"...and for that we can be thankful. Love you guys.
